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Fatigue Management


As part of GC Tilt Trays P/L Safety & Training commitment to Health & Safety of all employees, contractors and visitors, we are actively working together to prevent and manage risk associated with Fatigue in the



The objectives of GC Tilt Trays P/L Fatigue Management Policy are to

  • Ensure adequate opportunity is available for employees, contractors and visitors sufficient rest before commencing work, through appropriate working time arrangement:

  • Monitor and control working hours, including overtime, to provide time arrangements that do not require excessive periods of wakefulness:

  • Identify, develop and implement a fatigue management plan with control strategies to address fatigue related risks within the workplace in consultation with the employees:

  • Provide training and education for employees, contractors, their families, to foster a common understanding of fatigue management:

  • Develop a culture of shared responsibility for fatigue management:

  • Implement an appropriate employee assistance program to assist in managing fatigue:

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle, both at work and at home:

  • Conduct regular audits to ensure that the elements of this policy are effectively implemented:


Through the commitment to our Fatigue Management Policy, GC Tilt Trays P/L will continue towards its goal of providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors and visitors.

This Policy applies to all sites that GC Tilt Trays P/L is preforming work and covers all our activities and Services.

To ensure that GC Tilt Trays commitment to a safe, healthy and productive workplace, all management shall promote and administer compliance with this Policy and its related procedure outlined above.

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