Environmental Health and Safety Policy
GC Tilt Trays P/L is committed to managing all operations of our business associated with Transportation of goods and Equipment, by implementing effective controls to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers, visitors and members of the community by eliminating or minimising risks to health and safety as far as reasonably practicable.
Our objective is to create and maintain a positive safety culture across the business where all Personal believe that all injuries are preventable by active participation, consultation and cooperation of all persons in promoting and developing measures to improve health, safety and welfare at work.
To achieve our objectives, GCTT focus on:
Compliance with safety and workers compensation legislation, and relevant standards or codes of practice within Australia as applicable.
Ensuring all persons takes reasonable care for their own health and safety and their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others.
Pro-actively managing risks through the identification of hazards, risk assessment and elimination or control of those hazards.
Effective consultation with all workers and suppliers of goods.
GCTT Personal and Contractors:
Developing, implementing, maintaining and monitoring safe systems that deliver a safe working environment inclusive of standards, policies and procedures to ensure their integrity and effectiveness to facilitate continuous improvement.
Communicating health and safety systems with all workers, company suppliers of goods and services, and relevant stakeholders.
The provision and maintenance of our premises, equipment, plant and substances as necessary to ensure all workers can safely and competently carry out their work.
Ongoing monitoring evaluation and establishment of measurable OHS objectives and targets of OHS performance.
An active response and investigation of all incidents, ensuring injured employees are returned to pre-injury or suitable alternate duties at the earliest possible opportunity.